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#Copiers (7)

4 min read

Cloud Migration and Your Print Server

Are you in the middle of the big decision of switching from an on-premise server to a cloud server?

2 min read

Why Am I Being Charged for Scans?


2 min read

When I Own and Service My Copier, I Save Money, Right?

We all know that if you plan on using something more than a few times, it is best to own that thing — whether it is our favorite movie, a snowblower,...

3 min read

What is the Best Home Office Printer?

Your employees are working from home, and despite finding and trying a bunch of different tools, no matter what they do, they are going to have to...

Precision Care: Filling the Gaps in Your Copier’s Service Agreement

2 min read

Precision Care: Filling the Gaps in Your Copier’s Service Agreement

When you sign a service agreement with a copier vendor, whatever hardware issues you run into are generally covered, but what about software issues?...

3 min read

Why a Retail Fleet is Bad for Business

Work from home is here to stay. Despite many states opening for business, many workers who are capable of performing their job from home are doing...

2 min read

Month to Month Leasing vs. Starting a New Lease - Which is More Cost Effective?

In six months, the lease on your copier will end — and it is about time too! You’re ready to stop worrying about it, and simply leave your machine to...

2 min read

How Do I Automate Office Tasks on a Budget?

The dream of automating menial office tasks like invoice processing or even file management is often just that — a dream. We all want to work in an...

3 min read

Which Copier Jams the Least?

It happened again — the copier is jammed. What is it, the second time this week? There has to be something wrong with this thing.

2 min read

How Do I Reduce The Amount of Touchpoints on My Copier?

COVID-19 is still in full swing, but that does not mean businesses are paralyzed. While many offices are sparse with empty desks that belong to...