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3 min read

VoIP Phone Systems & Internet Speeds

So, you’re thinking about purchasing a VoIP phone system for your office, but you’re wondering: how will the added load to my network affect my bandwidth and internet speeds?

M-Files review

4 min read

M-Files - An Honest Review

No matter what you call it — data management, content management, or document management — there are a myriad of systems, applications, and tools on...

2 min read

How the ESIGN Act Impacts Collecting Legally-Binding Signatures

Finding the time to print, send, and receive a document simply to collect a signature from a client is a huge use of resources that, given today’s...

An Introduction to Proofpoint

4 min read

An Introduction to Proofpoint

Watch to learn more about how Proofpoint makes your email inbox more secure!

6 min read

What is the Best VoIP Service?

With so many Voice over IP service providers on the market today, how are you supposed to cut through the noise to partner with the best platform for...

2 min read

Canon Security Settings: What You Need to Know

Recently, Canon released documentation concerning how to configure security settings for the following copier models:

Marks & Harrison: 130 employees, 10 offices, 29 devices, 1 long-term technology partner

2 min read

Marks & Harrison: 130 employees, 10 offices, 29 devices, 1 long-term technology partner

Watch to learn more about Marks & Harrison's business technology partnership with Cobb. Transcript available below.

2 min read

Gmail and Scan to Send - Interruptions Starting May 30th

If you use Google’s email client service, Gmail, and you use the “scan to email” feature on your office’s copier, you may be in for an unwelcome...

3 min read

How Fax over IP Makes Your Faxes More Secure and Profitable

Here’s a fun office riddle: when you send a fax, where does it go?

1 min read

How to Set-Up Client Bill-Back Using PaperCut

How often do you print a document for a client matter? If your organization prints more than 500 pages per month for client accounts, using PaperCut...