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3 min read

Small businesses and cyber security - Free solutions that can help make you more secure

When you own and manage a small business, you can find yourself constantly facing sales pitches. Offers to purchase memberships, software, consultants, ad space — and one group of businesses that is most definitely guilty of pushing the message of...

2 min read

Why Am I Being Charged for Scans?


4 min read

GDPR and Other Data Protection Laws: What You Need to Know

As technology advances, we are constantly exposed to additional avenues for it to permeate more deeply into our lives. The main driver is our own...

What is VoIP (Voiceover Internet Protocol)?

3 min read

What Is VoIP? 5 Things You Need to Know

If you have access to the internet, then you have access to Voice over IP telephony. But what exactly is VoIP, and do you even need it?

2 min read

When I Own and Service My Copier, I Save Money, Right?

We all know that if you plan on using something more than a few times, it is best to own that thing — whether it is our favorite movie, a snowblower,...

The 4 Steps a Good VoIP Provider Should Take You Through as a Potential Client

2 min read

The 4 Steps a Good VoIP Provider Should Take You Through as a Potential Client

By now you probably know that not every VoIP provider is the same. It’s a given that they’ll offer differing VoIP models and packages, but you should...

3 min read

What is the Best Home Office Printer?

Your employees are working from home, and despite finding and trying a bunch of different tools, no matter what they do, they are going to have to...

2 min read

How Can I Save Money By Automating My Production Print Process?

There is nothing cheap about production print. Operating costs are high, maintenance is an ongoing and ever-present task, and print specialists are...

2 min read

Production Print - Color Drift and Pantone Problems

When we look up at the sky, we all see a slightly different shade of blue. The rods and cones in our eyes filter light differently from person to...

Precision Care: Filling the Gaps in Your Copier’s Service Agreement

2 min read

Precision Care: Filling the Gaps in Your Copier’s Service Agreement

When you sign a service agreement with a copier vendor, whatever hardware issues you run into are generally covered, but what about software issues?...