1 min read

M-Files: Intelligent Information Management

M-Files: Intelligent Information Management
Below is a transcript of the video above:

This is Gary.

Gary works in the legal department at Pinnacle Services Company. 

Pinnacle faces the same challenges that most businesses do: how to access and manage the ever-increasing amount of documents and information across all their business systems, and how to distinguish business-critical data from the clutter. 

The problem is, almost every solution requires an expensive and time-consuming migration. Usually, by the time it's implemented it's already out of date and it doesn't work well with other systems.

Then Gary found M-Files: a solution that helped to get control of content and information on day one. 

M-Files connects to existing systems like network folders and Sharepoint. M-Files also makes those systems more intelligent by adding metadata, version control, and workflows to the content. 

This goes way beyond enterprise search by providing him with a 360-degree view across all systems to show context. 

M-Files organizes content based on what it is. 

Like with an invoice or a contract, M-Files will automatically use AI to suggest what the document is, what customer and project it relates to, and other important information like expiration dates, without Gary ever having to think about where to save it.

M-Files can also automatically kick off a workflow based on the type of content, like with a contract approval process, to ensure that contract terms are reviewed and approved by the legal team before signing.

With flexible deployment options Gary can choose between a cloud, on-premises, or hybrid cloud environment. M-Files enables every business to be cloud-ready immediately, whether you want to move to the cloud now or in the future. 

M-Files is always up to date so Gary gets real-time security updates, performance improvements, and access to every new feature immediately when it's available. 

And it's the only intelligent content services platform that provides all these benefits. Now Pinnacle is prepared for the future, and Gary is a hero. 

Be a hero with M-Files

End Transcript

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