Jason Holmes

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2 min read

When Non-Profits Will Benefit From Managed IT Services

Managed IT Services can be complex and represent a significant investment for your organization. There’s good reason for this, however, as Managed IT providers and their services can be the difference between a cyber attack closing your doors...

How Much Do Managed IT Services Cost? The 6 Determining Factors

3 min read

How Much Do Managed IT Services Cost? The 6 Determining Factors

If you’re considering using the services of a managed IT provider, Or perhaps you’re already using the services of a managed IT provider but want to...

4 min read

Public vs. Private Cloud - Which is more cost effective?

Just like there are different cloud providers, such as Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, or Amazon Web Services (AWS), there are different types of...

3 min read

PrintNightmare - The Exploit that Almost Took Over the World

You may have heard about a recently discovered vulnerability Microsoft themselves dubbed “PrintNightmare.”

2 min read

How to Automate Call Reporting and Client Billing with VoIP

How do you currently log billing hours for client calls? Is your phone system set up to automatically track, record, and communicate with your...

4 min read

Your Company's Cybersecurity in 2021

The hybrid work environment. It’s a buzzphrase we’ve been hearing all year. Most likely, your organization at some point last year made the switch to...

2 min read

Mitel vs All Covered - Which Offers More Functionality?

Choosing a VoIP provider isn’t easy — there’s so many different options, plans, and associated costs when deciding which service to use. You want to...

3 min read

5 Effective Methods for Training Employees on New Technology

Adopting new technology in your organization has the power to transform the way you do business, but only if your employees actually use the...

6 min read

The Inventor of VoIP - Marian Croak

Only one year after the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that public schools must be desegregated in the landmark case of Brown v. Board of...