Cobb Tech

2 min read

When I Own and Service My Copier, I Save Money, Right?

We all know that if you plan on using something more than a few times, it is best to own that thing — whether it is our favorite movie, a snowblower, or something else. If you owning a movie costs $20, and renting that movie costs $5, but you plan...

The 4 Steps a Good VoIP Provider Should Take You Through as a Potential Client

2 min read

The 4 Steps a Good VoIP Provider Should Take You Through as a Potential Client

By now you probably know that not every VoIP provider is the same. It’s a given that they’ll offer differing VoIP models and packages, but you should...

Precision Care: Filling the Gaps in Your Copier’s Service Agreement

2 min read

Precision Care: Filling the Gaps in Your Copier’s Service Agreement

When you sign a service agreement with a copier vendor, whatever hardware issues you run into are generally covered, but what about software issues?...

Analog PBXs vs. Cloud-Hosted PBXs: What’s the difference?

2 min read

Analog PBXs vs. Cloud-Hosted PBXs: What’s the difference?

A PBX - Private Branch Exchange - is a private telephone network used internally to communicate within an organization, and externally to communicate...

Should I Sign a Service Contract With Cobb?

2 min read

Should I Sign a Service Contract With Cobb?

Hey there, if you’re watching this video, you’re probably wondering what a service contract with Cobb Technologies looks like. Hey, you may even be...

Does My Business Need Security Awareness Training?

2 min read

Does My Business Need Security Awareness Training?

Employees are an organization's first line of cybersecurity defense, so it’s essential for them to be able to recognize the red flags of a digital...

What Happens to My VoIP Service if My Internet Is Down?

1 min read

What Happens to My VoIP Service if My Internet Is Down?

Voip is heavily reliant on the internet - it’s even in the name: Voice Over Internet Protocol. So, what happens to your VoIP phone system if the...

How Can My Managed IT Provider Help Me With Project Management?

1 min read

How Can My Managed IT Provider Help Me With Project Management?

When you partner with a managed IT company you should expect to receive some project management services to help with larger projects. Watch this...

When should I replace my toner?

1 min read

When should I replace my toner?

Replacing your toner cartridge is essential to keeping your MFP running smoothly and producing quality prints. Watch to learn more vital toner...

2 min read

MFPs and Desktop Printers - Which is Right for My Business?

Printers cost more than you would expect — and for many businesses right now, unexpected costs are something which must be avoided at all costs. The...